tisdag 31 januari 2012


Jag har läst tre böcker de senaste två månaderna.
bra va

"Jag se hennes ögon röra sig under ögonlocken Färglösa glober. Ser hennes drömmar födas och dö, den ena efter den andra. Ser dem tumla omkring med varandra som fiskar i ett nät. Hon är fiskaren som försöker fånga sina drömmar.
Och jag önskar att jag är en av fiskarna.
Att jag är hennes dröm.
Kan blåsa bort de andra fiskarna. Säga åt dem att försvinna.Och själv skapa nya.
Sätta hennes ögon i rörelse. Hjälpa henne. Rädda henne.
Jag är rädd att hennes drömmar är ljusblåa.
Illusioner. Onda illusioner.
Jag fruktar att inget någonsin bli henne till hjälp"
  - Jag heter Ísbjörg, Jag är ett lejon

"I själva verkar har hon varit fullständigt oförmögen att överhuvud taget tänka på någonting. Alla tankar flyter för tillfället ihop och blir en enda sörja. Ibland.
Det måste rättas till.
 Och sedan säger dom att hon är fruktansvärt tungsint och dessutom befinner hon sig i en farlig deprission. Och då förstår hon sörjan bättre"
  - Jag heter Ísbjörg, Jag är ett lejon

 "Jag ser dig för mig i morgon
fastän morgondagen är en chimär.
Jag ser dig, för mig
som jag vill se dig"
- Sid 14 "Z en kärlekshistoria"

Hej, det är så mycket jag vill och kommer att skriva här. Men jag börjar såhär, för att melodin följer mig och texten är bland det vackraste jag vet.

Goldenrod and the 4H stone,
the things I brought you,
when I found out you had cancer of the bone

Your father cried on the telephone,
and he drove his car into the navy yard,
just to prove that he was sorry

In the morning, through the window shade,
when the light pressed up against your shoulder blade,
I could see what you were reading.

All the glory that the Lord has made,
and the complications you could do without,
when I kissed you on the *mouth.

Tuesday night at the Bible study,
we lift our hands and pray over your body,
but nothing ever happens.
I remember at Michael's house,
in the living room when you kissed my *neck,
and I almost touched your blouse.

In the morning at the top of the stairs,
when your father found out what we did that night,
and you told me you were scared.

All the glory when you ran outside,
with your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied,
and you told me not to follow you.

Sunday night when I cleaned the house,
I find the card where you wrote it out,
with the pictures of you mother.

On the floor at the great divide,
with my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied,
I am crying in the bathroom.

In the morning when you finally go,
and the nurse runs in with her head hung low,
and the cardinal hits the window.

In the morning in the winter shade,
on the 1st of March on the holiday,
I thought I saw you breathing.

All the glory that the Lord has made,
and the complications when I see His face,
in the morning in the window.

All the glory when he took our place,
but he took my shoulders and he shook my face,
and he takes and he takes and he takes.
 Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day

torsdag 12 januari 2012

onsdag 4 januari 2012


You got some kinda nerve 
Taking all my world 

Lost and insecure 
You found me, you found me 


If I could open my arms, 
And span the length of the isle of Manhattan, 
I'd bring it to where you are, 
Making a lake of the East River and Hudson. 
And if I could open my mouth, 
Wide enough for a marching band to march out, 
They would make your name sing, 
And bend through alleys and bounce off other buildings. 

I wish we could open our eyes, 
To see in all directions at the same time. 
Oh what a beautiful view, 
If you were never aware of what was around you. 
And it is true what you said, 
That I live like a hermit in my own head. 
But when the sun shines again, 
I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in. 

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. 
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. 
But while you debate half empty or half full, 
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. 

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. 
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. 
But while you debate half empty or half full, 
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. 

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. 
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. 
But while you debate half empty or half full, 
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. 

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. 
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. 
But while you debate half empty or half full, 
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. 

                         "Sleight of hand,

Jump off the end.
Into a clear lake,
No one around.

Just dragonflies,
Flying to the side.
No one gets hurt,
You're doing nothing wrong.

Slide your hand,
Jump off the end.
The water's clear and innocent.
The water's clear and innocent."

måndag 2 januari 2012

söndag 1 januari 2012

I'm in the middle, Malcolm

"I'm rolling, I'm rumbling
Towards you
Railing, aiming
Straight for you

The target is your heart
Destination lips
Come on I've had enough waiting
Now I'm thinking of a

Kiss at the station
Sick from being patient
Oh oh
The rain is coming down
And I don't know where to go
My brain is coming round
And I don't know how to tell you

I'm tongue-tied, un-lied
Addicted to you"